The Easeful Uplevel

with Allison Borstad & Erin Thobias

Helping female entrepreneurs, creatives, and thought-leaders step into their greatness with as much ease as possible.

Subscribe to the Easeful Uplevel Podcast where we talk about entrepreneurship, spirituality and living a life in harmony in tune with your natural talents.

This podcast is inspired by conversations we’ve been having our entire life as childhood friends and now as entrepreneurs.

We believe in achieving big dreams, but refuse to burn out while doing it- hence the Easeful Uplevel.

Listen to the Podcast:
New Episodes Every Friday

Introducing the
Thought Girl Summer Program

Thought Girl Summer is an activation incubator for up-and-coming thought leaders ready to concentrate their brilliance in a clear message they're meant to share.

With our marketing expert Erin Thobias and our mindset and energetics expert Allison Borstad, we'll spend the summer dialing in your core message, mastering your marketing strategy, and learning how to uplevel your energetic state so that you can beam your message into the world consistently and without burnout.